Monday, April 27, 2009

Feeding 3 birds with 1 seed

I guess the normal expression is killing x number of birds with 1 stone, but I'm not quite in the mood for killing small avian today. Maybe in the evening after class..

At any rate, I've been thinking lately about coding one of those PHP web based game game. It would be a good excuse to learn some programming, do some artwork, and well, make a game. What kind of geeky boy never tried making a game before in his life, right? And when I fail, I can always quote the fact that most people that try to do so fail miserably as well. And if I succeed, who knows--maybe I will be hailed the champion of internet, the person who evolved an entire genre of gaming. That'd be pretty cool, right?

I think I'm going to call it Bad Polygon, and it will be a steampunk text-based action RPG. How do you make a text based action game? Good question. I'm trying to find an answer to that myself. But that's why this is going to be so much fun ^^


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